Drоnеѕ are thе hоttеѕt topic in thе tесh world аt the mоmеnt. People аll over thе wоrld hаvе fallen in lоvе with thiѕ nеw technology аnd wаnt to get their hands on it. Frоm kids tо adults tо buѕinеѕѕ оwnеrѕ, еvеrуоnе wаntѕ tо оwn a drone. While drоnеѕ аrе nоt thаt difficult tо buу, one […]
Parrot Drones
Parrot is a company based in France that has completely changed the game when it comes to remote controlled aircraft. They have produced a drone that is propelled and kept up with no fewer than four rotors (quadcopter) that is operated using the latest mobile and tablet technology. The Parrot AR.Drone allows the user to […]
Remote Control Drones
Remote control drones have changed dramatically over the years along with the actual handheld controllers themselves. Technology has come so far that the drones have gone from a couple of minutes flying time and little added extras to nearly half an hour flying time with cameras and more while the remotes have gone from two […]
Drones with a Camera
Many years ago, attaching a camera to a drone would have been a ludicrous idea to simply put, would not have been possible. However, dramatic advancements in technology has now meant that small yet powerful cameras are now built-in to most drones that are available on the market today. Although you can still find quadrotors […]